Havurah Interest Groups

A Havurah (from the Hebrew word haver, meaning friend) is an excellent way to get together and connect with other DFJCA members with similar interests. A Havurah is a small group of 5-8 couples or families or up to 16 individuals who meet throughout the year to socialize (primarily).

Joining or creating a DFJCA Havurah for the members of DFCA is a wonderful way to get to spend some time having fun and socializing. Each Havurah has their own leader, and Sandy Schiffman is the Havurah coordinator.

Sample groups include:

  • The Movie Group (Froma Goldberg)
  • The Jewish and Torah Studies Group (Marlene Lorraine)
  • The Dining Out Group (Stan Karon)
  • Game Night (Marlene Lorraine)

To start or join a DFJCA Havurah, please click on the button below, fill out and submit the form.